odoo.define function

Official doc about the topic is here:

Javascript Module in odoo is some piece of code declared via odoo.define('js_module_name', ...) and can be used in other modules via require('js_module_name').


odoo.define('js_module_name', function (require) {
  "use strict";
  var A = require('js_module_name_A');
  var B = require('js_module_name_B');

  // some code
  return something;


You cannot rename variable require.


Single file may have several JS modules, though it’s recommended to put them to different files


You can use any string as a module name, but recommended way is <ODOO_MODULE>.<JS_MODULE>, e.g. point_of_sale.popups

Return value

A js-module may return value. That value can be used in another js-modules (of the same odoo-module or others).

For example:

odoo.define('point_of_sale.gui', function (require) {
  "use strict";
    return {
      Gui: Gui,
      define_screen: define_screen,
      define_popup: define_popup,

Then, we can use define_screen as following:

odoo.define('point_of_sale.screens', function (require) {
  "use strict";
    var gui = require('point_of_sale.gui');
      name: 'scale',
      widget: ScaleScreenWidget
    // ..
      return ....


If you don’t to use value returned by another js-module, you still might you you import js-module (via require(….)) to be sure that that module is loaded before executing you module.

Asynchronous modules

It can happen that a module needs to perform some work before it is ready. For example, it could do a rpc to load some data. In that case, the module can simply return a deferred (promise). In that case, the module system will simply wait for the deferred to complete before registering the module.

odoo.define('module.Something', function (require) {
  "use strict";
    var ajax = require('web.ajax');
      return ajax.rpc(...).then(function (result) {
      // some code here
    return something;