Multi Pull Request

Найти последнюю объединенную точку

Чтобы найти последний коммит `` upstream / 8.0`` и `` upstream / 9.0``, используйте следующие команды

git fetch
git log upstream/8.0..upstream/9.0 --grep="Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/8.0'" --merges -n 3

# you will get something like that:
# commit 5cb3652be72a05330c3988d270f3aef548511b29
# Merge: f1cd564 6cc2562
# Author: Ivan Yelizariev <>
# Date:   Sat Feb 27 16:00:42 2016 +0500
#     Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/8.0' into 9.0-dev
# commit 14632a790aa01ee2a1ee9fe52152cf2fbfa86423
# Merge: 7a48b3a d66ba4f
# Author: Ivan Yelizariev <>
# Date:   Thu Feb 25 11:31:43 2016 +0500
#     Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/8.0' into 9.0-dev
# commit 6981c245afdccc39b2b49585f8205a784161f9c6
# Merge: 22081ed 6eb9f8d
# Author: Ivan Yelizariev <>
# Date:   Fri Feb 19 19:14:15 2016 +0500
#    Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/8.0' into 9.0-dev

# take one commit sha from the list and check that it's in origin/9.0.

git branch -r --contains 5cb3652be72a05330c3988d270f3aef548511b29

# possible output:
#  upstream/9.0
#  origin/9.0-dev

# if there is not upstream/9.0 in output,
# then commit has not been merged yet and you cannot use it
# for branch 9.0 use this commit sha 5cb3652be72a05330c3988d270f3aef548511b29
# for branch 8.0 need find which of two commits in ``Merge:`` line contains "upstream/8.0"

git branch -r --contains f1cd564
git branch -r --contains 6cc2562

# Use commit sha to create new branches:

git checkout -b '9.0-new_branch_name' 5cb3652be72a05330c3988d270f3aef548511b29
git checkout -b '8.0-new_branch_name' 6cc2562