
Record rules are conditions that records must satisfy for an operation (create, read, write or delete) to be allowed. Example of a condition: User can update Task that assigned to him.

Group field defines for which group rule is applied. If Group is not specified, then rule is global and applied for all users.

Domain field defines conditions for records.

Boolean fields (read, write, create, delete) of ir.rule mean Apply this rule for this kind of operation. They do not mean restrict access for this kind of operation.

Checking access algorithm

To check either user has access for example to read a record, system do as following:

  • Check access according to ir.model.access records. If it doesn’t pass, then user doesn’t get access
  • Find and check global rules for the model and for read operation
    • if the record doesn’t satisfy (doesn’t fit to domain) for at least one of the global rules, then user doesn’t get access
  • Find and check non-global rules for the model, which perm_read equal True and groups that intersect with current user groups.
    • if there are no such rules, then user get access
    • if the record satisfy (fit to domain) for at least one of the non-global rules, then user get access
    • if the record doesn’t satisfy for all non-global rules, then user doesn’t get access

See also:


name = fields.Char(index=True)
active = fields.Boolean(default=True, help="If you uncheck the active field, it will disable the record rule without deleting it (if you delete a native record rule, it may be re-created when you reload the module).")
model_id = fields.Many2one('ir.model', string='Object', index=True, required=True, ondelete="cascade")
groups = fields.Many2many('res.groups', 'rule_group_rel', 'rule_group_id', 'group_id')
domain_force = fields.Text(string='Domain')
domain = fields.Binary(compute='_force_domain', string='Domain')
perm_read = fields.Boolean(string='Apply for Read', default=True)
perm_write = fields.Boolean(string='Apply for Write', default=True)
perm_create = fields.Boolean(string='Apply for Create', default=True)
perm_unlink = fields.Boolean(string='Apply for Delete', default=True)