
Pylint is a tool that checks for errors in Python code, tries to enforce a coding standard and looks for code smells. It can also look for certain type errors, it can recommend suggestions about how particular blocks can be refactored and can offer you details about the code’s complexity.

Install pylint.

sudo pip install pylint

With the Flycheck emacs extension, pylint’s output will be shown right inside your emacs buffers. Spacemacs has flycheck in his syntax-checking layer.

M-x package-install RET flycheck

Configure pylint by using a pylintrc file.

pylint --generate-rcfile >.pylintrc

Pylint Odoo plugin

Install pylint odoo plugin

pip install --upgrade git+


pip install --upgrade --pre pylint-odoo

Add the plugin in pylintrc.


Useful configurations

By default there is 100 characters per line allowed. Allow 120 characters


To disable certain warning add its code to disable list in pylintrc. For example, If you don’t like this message Missing method docstring with code C0111 or this Use of super on an old style class (E1002)


You can find other codes here:

Flychek highlights odoo import lines as from openerp import models, fields, api with error message F0401: Unable to import.... There are two options to fix it -

Edit pylintrc to include your odoo directory like this:

init-hook='import sys; sys.path.append("/path/to/odoo")'